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Applied Mathematical Methods In Theoretical Phy...

Featuring works by Max Planck, Wolfgang Pauli, and other legendary physicists, our mathematical and theoretical physics list offers dozen of important titles for students, professors, and professionals. Dover publishes books on applied group theory, electrodynamics, lie groups, molecular collision theory, plasma confinement, and other topics.

Applied Mathematical Methods in Theoretical Phy...

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The course concentrates on the main areas of modern mathematical and theoretical physics: elementary-particle theory, including string theory, condensed matter theory (both quantum and soft matter), theoretical astrophysics, plasma physics and the physics of continuous media (including fluid dynamics and related areas usually associated with courses in applied mathematics in the UK system) and mathematical structures underlying physical theory. If you are a physics student with a strong interest in theoretical physics or a mathematics student keen to apply high-level mathematics to physical systems and their underpinning mathematics, both pure and applied, this is a course for you.

Your references will support your intellectual ability, academic achievement, academic potential, and motivation, particularly with regard to mathematical and theoretical physics. These will normally be academic references, but one of them may be a professional reference if you have relevant professional experience.

Professor Bender's scholarly expertise is in mathematical physics and applied mathematics. He is recognized as an expert on the subject of asymptotic analysis, differential equations, and perturbative methods and their use in solving problems of theoretical physics.

Carl Bender applies the tools of applied mathematics to solve problems in mathematical physics. His past work includes (i) pioneering research on the anharmonic oscillator and studies of coupling-constant analyticity; (ii) development of the field of perturbation theory in large order, (iii) strong-coupling, finite-element, and mean-field approximations in quantum field theory, (iv) development of the field of PT-symmetric quantum mechanics. He has served as the coach at Washington University for the Putnam Mathematical Competition for many years.

The main purpose of our book is to present and explain mathematical methods for obtaining approximate analytical solutions to differential and difference equations that cannot be solved exactly. Our objective is to help young and also established scientists and engineers to build the skills necessary to analyze equations that they encounter in their work. Our presentation is aimed at developing the insights and techniques that are most useful for attacking new problems. We do not emphasize special methods and tricks which work only for the classical transcendental functions; we do not dwell on equations whose exact solutions are known. The mathematical methods discussed in this book are known collectively as asymptotic and perturbative analysis. These are the most useful and powerful methods for finding approximate solutions to equations, but they are difficult to justify rigorously. Thus, we concentrate on the most fruitful aspect of applied analysis; namely, obtaining the answer. We stress care but not rigor. To explain our approach, we compare our goals with those of a freshman calculus course. A beginning calculus course is considered successful if the students have learned how to solve problems using calculus.

Our department has made major advances in each of the following areas. We've developed a theoretical framework to describe the induced-charge mechanism for nonlinear electro-osmotic flow. Our work in biomimetics focuses on elucidating mechanisms exploited by insects and birds for fluid transport on a micro-scale. These and other activities in digital microfluidics and nanotechnology have applications in biologically inspired materials such as a unidirectional super-hydrophobic surface, and devices such as the `lab-on-a-chip' and micropumps. The theory of transport phenomena} provides a variety of useful mathematical techniques, such as continuum equations for collective motion, efficient numerical methods for many-body hydrodynamic interactions, measures of chaotic mixing, and asymptotic analysis of charged double layers. Nanophotonics is the study of electromagnetic wave phenomena in media structured on the same lengthscale as the wavelength, and is an active area of study in our group, for example to allow unprecedented control over light from ultra-low-power lasers to hollow-core optical fibers. New mathematical tools may be useful here, to give rigorous theorems for optical confinement and to understand the limit where quantum and atomic-scale phenomena become significant. Granular materials provide challenging problems of collective dynamics far from equilibrium. The intermediate nature (between solid and fluid) of dense granular matter defies traditional statistical mechanics and existing continuum models from fluid dynamics and solid elasto-plasticity. Despite two centuries of research in engineering, no known general continuum model describes flow fields in multiple situations (say, in silo drainage and in shear cells), let alone diffusion or mixing of discrete particles. A fundamental challenge is to derive continuum equations from microscopic mechanisms, analogous to collisional kinetic theory of simple fluids. On a far larger scale, we have also been remarkably successful in unraveling some of the curious dynamics of galaxies.

The course focuses on (algebraic) topological methods and group theory and their applications in theoretical physics. Subjects to be covered will be simplicial homology, homotopy, manifolds, groups, De Rham cohomology. When time permits, the basics of fibre bundles and connections may also be covered.

PHYS 232 Introduction to Computational Physics (3) NScComputational techniques applied to physics and data analysis in laboratory setting. Emphasis on numerical solutions of differential equations, least square data fitting, Monte Carlo methods, and Fourier Analysis. A high-level language taught and used; no previous computing experience required. Prerequisite: PHYS 227.View course details in MyPlan: PHYS 232

PHYS 329 Mathematical Methods and Classical Mechanics (3) NScMathematical methods applied to classical mechanics, including Lagrangian mechanics. Prerequisite: minimum grade of 2.0 in PHYS 228. Offered: Sp.View course details in MyPlan: PHYS 329

PHYS 536 Introduction to Acoustics and Digital Signal Processing (4)Introduces mathematical and physics principles of acoustics in digital signal processing applications. Complex analysis and Fourier methods, physics of vibrations and waves, solutions of the wave equation, digital convolution and correlation methods, and Maximum Length Sequence method in signal analysis and spread-spectrum applications. Prerequisite: PHYS 123; MATH 120.View course details in MyPlan: PHYS 536

PHYS 541 Applications of Quantum Physics (4)Techniques of quantum mechanics applied to lasers, quantum electronics, solids, and surfaces. Emphasis on approximation methods and interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Prerequisite: PHYS 421 or PHYS 441 or equivalent. Offered: Sp.View course details in MyPlan: PHYS 541

Over the course of the first and second years, students are required to complete six foundational courses, one advanced elective, two research seminars, and one special investigation. Our foundational courses cover classical mechanics, electromagnetic theory, mathematical methods, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics. Students may choose from a wide range of classes as their advanced elective(s). During the first year, students are given the option of taking pass-out exams for each of the foundational courses. Students who successfully pass an exam are exempt from taking the course and can choose an advanced elective to take in place of the foundation course. More information regarding course requirements, waivers, and pass-out exams can be found on our Academic Requirements page.

Mathematical methods of Physics is a book on common techniques of applied mathematics that are often used in theoretical physics. It may be accessible to anyone with beginning undergraduate training in mathematics and physics. It is hoped that the book will be useful for anyone wishing to study advanced Physics.

A continuation of PHYS 105A covering selected advanced topics in applied mathematical and numerical methods. Topics include statistics, diffusion and Monte-Carlo simulations; Laplace equation and numerical methods for nonseparable geometries; waves in inhomogeneous media, WKB analysis; nonlinear systems and chaos. Prerequisites: PHYS 105A, MATH 20A-B-C or 31BH, 20D, 20E or 31CH, and 18 or 20F or 31AH. Open to major codes PY26, PY28, PY29, PY30, PY31, PY32, PY33, and PY34 only.

As a leader in mathematical research, Harvard University is home to many top-ranking faculty. Traditionally, the department faculty members have predominantly focused on research in pure mathematics. However, there are many faculty members who also work on applied mathematics, or use large computing power in their own work, including Martin Nowak, Clifford Taubes, Horng-Tzer Yau, and Shing-Tung Yau. While the Mathematics Department occasionally conducts joint seminars with the Harvard physics, statistics, and applied mathematics departments (e.g., with Andrew Strominger, Cumrun Vafa, Xiao-Li Meng, Jun Liu, and Michael Brenner), it has become clear that these fields need further integration and more regular and fluid communication between researchers. As recent advances in pure and applied mathematics continue to demonstrate, these fields are increasingly dependent on each other. For example, the advances made in string theory over the past several decades have used many tools from mathematics, and at the same time, have introduced new concepts and ideas back into mathematics and geometry. Likewise, new developments in areas, such as data analysis of large populations and three-dimensional imaging, will require a heavy reliance on mathematical studies. Future advances in mathematics and the sciences will benefit from a closer working relationship between the pure and applied sides. 041b061a72

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