To fiscal policies that allow wealth to be redistributed Job Function Email List without burdening the most vulnerable nor, exclusively or disproportionately, in the middle classes. The ecological transition is now a reality that is advancing unstoppably. Now, all transitions have victims, and Job Function Email List this one will too. The "yellow vests", which emerged as a reaction to the increase in the diesel tax in France, gave a first warning, and it will not be the only one if the transition is made with its back to the demands Job Function Email List of a social nature. It is essential that the ecological transition goes hand in hand with the "just transition", as the.
Spanish trade unions claimed more than a decade ago at international climate Job Function Email List summits, something that today has become a reality not only in Spanish politics , but also in the Job Function Email List European Green Deal and in the Next Generation funds with which its application will be financed. Advancing in the race for the climate and doing it with justice is a priority for any government. And especially for social democracy, if it wants to combat the increase in inequality that the climate crisis and the Job Function Email List ecological transition can cause. The digital revolution needs to be legitimately governed The digital revolution rides at a good pace and fills more and more spaces in our lives. It is one of those trends that the pandemic has accelerated and whose.
Changes will hardly be reversed. In addition, it is one of the factors that creates Job Function Email List the greatest insecurity and uncertainty in a large part of the population, especially Job Function Email List the most vulnerable. The increase in the digital divide, which goes far beyond Job Function Email List having technology, is one of the great vectors of inequality. A 21st century social democracy must host proposals to manage the challenges that this revolution brings with it.