Results is half the battle. The rest wins the click (more on that in a moment). We have to make sure we have the right words in the right place. Ultimately, feed is based on relevance, and SEO processing can help search engines better understand what we're selling. Your Germany Phone Number List data feed (i.e. your product feed) has required fields such as title, description, price, and image. Optimizing your title and description fields is very important, as is filling in the Germany Phone Number List blanks among the optional attributes. Not only do optional attributes open the door to powerful segmentation when creating product groups, but they also provide a ton of relevant
Information that search engines can use to determine where and when to show your ads. Title tips: Be very descriptive. Add descriptors such as brand name, material, size, etc. A good checklist is: 2_titleField Tips Use a common label. Keyword searches trigger your Germany Phone Number List ad based on the words in the title. Don't refer to something like a "fuchsia frou-frou dress" if common parlance is "pink cocktail dress." Your search query report will reveal exactly what terms people tend to search for in relation to your products. Know your limits. After a certain number Germany Phone Number List of characters, the title will be truncated. For example, on Bing Ads, the total length allowed is 150 characters, but only 35 characters display before being truncated. Description Tips: Don't
Forget to pay attention to this field. Bing Ads said it takes this into account when determining relevance. Add relevant, high-quality keywords using natural language and common wording. It helps if the descriptions match the landing page descriptions and Germany Phone Number List contain the same level of detail. 2. Be creative with your creation Within the confines of the product announcement template, there's still plenty of room to get creative. The two main Germany Phone Number List elements of your product ad that you can get creative with are image and price. Let's break them down. Image: Product ads start to have a similar problem to text ads, in that they can often all look the