The four teams in Taiwan include Su Hengyu from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Tsinghua University, Lin Ruidian from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management of Tsinghua University, Zhang Peiwang from the Institute of Applied Science and Technology of National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and Tsinghua University Lin Yaoyu from the University's Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Zhang Peiwang shyly said that before participating, he actually didn't know what kind of competition AIA was, so he made a lot of preparations. ideas, and turn them into practical and feasible practices. And Su Hengtuo from Qing University also felt the same way. Being able to turn what she has learned into use, and even further expand it, is the biggest gain from participating in this event.
Screenshot_2022-06-28_pm 2_10_41 Photo Credit: TNL Image Manipulation Service Brand Studio The four student teams from Taiwan are very happy to have the opportunity to turn the ideas in their minds into practical and feasible practices; even further promotion and expansion is the biggest gain from participating in this activity. The new creativity engraved in the DNA is transformed into the kinetic energy of sustainable technology Regarding the theme of this competition "sustainable city", the students were indeed a little confused at first. As a century-old car manufacturer, especially a large leading company like Audi, the impact on the environment must not be ignored. In this case, what can Audi do? What angle should we use to talk about sustainability? Dr. Matthias Rossmann believes that, in fact, this is the challenge faced by automakers around the world, and Audi is willing to face such a test head-on and make a commitment.
Therefore, the Audi Environment Foundation was established in 2009, hoping to leverage the strength to solve the problems related to the environment through the power of technology and technology. In the process of solving these global problems, the Audi Environmental Foundation hopes to arouse the enthusiasm and awareness of the environment in every Audi person. Screenshot_2022-06-28_pm2_28_20 Photo Credit: TNL Brand Studio Dr. Matthias Rossmann, Senior Advisor, Audi Environmental Foundation.