The video ad has emotional appeal and relevance to someone in need. Not only that, but the attorney also coupled a little drama and story with Professional Person and industry Email List the details of his services. Thumbs up for this production for absolutely nailing it! The question, however,
Is: why should a lawyer use a story? This is because the stories create an emotional impression in the mind of the viewer. They say, the facts say; stories sell! In his book Emotion omics, Dan Hill points out that emotional memory works faster Professional Person and industry Email List than conscious memory. The story that connects the target audience to the lawyer will help viewers remember the ad. This memory would help them get in touch with the same lawyer when they are in need and ultimately decide
To ask for help. Until then, we're done with keyword research, script, filming tools, and creating a story. Now let's see how to create a great thumbnail. 5. Create the hook in the thumbnail to get those clicks YouTube displays thumbnails in video previews. A thumbnail is a smaller image (the size of a human thumbnail) of the video you are about to watch.